Drug Efficacy Comparisons!:

This is to acknowledge the usual efficacy of taking different drugs.

These top 5 drugs/experiences, I would say, are extremely rewarding all-around, and have little to no risk involved.
1.Sleep deprivation
3.DXM (dextromethorphan)
4.Nutmeg (myristicin, elemecin)
5.Kratom (mitragynine, 7-OH-mitragynine)
These drugs, I would say, offer a net positive in reward vs risk. They are likely very helpful with only some risk, or just things that are a bit helpful with no risk, broad-scale.
7.Cannabis (THC, CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC....)
8.Alprazolam (Xanax)
10.Phenylephrine, or any ephrines
11.Naloxone (cure to fantanyl or heroin overdose)
12.Physostigmine (as a cure to anticholinergic toxicity)
These drugs, I would say, are risky drugs. Their potential and usual risks and rewards just about level out, meaning that there is a net average. I think these drugs can be used efficably about 50% of the time, or just pose slightly more risk than reward.
14.Morning Glory & Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds (LSA, iso-LSA, LSH)
15.Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and truffles
19.Nitrous oxide
These drugs, I would say, are drugs that are typically damaging to the self, but not others. The risk outweighs the reward with these, usually, and these drugs are likely to cause more issues than benefits, consistently.
22.Datura (Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine, Atropine)
Finally, these final 3 drugs, I would say, are damages to society. They are at a point of still having efficacy at all, unlike things like bromoFLY, however, it is almost entirely outweighed by their damages to the self and others. They are too risky to reasonably be considered viable to take, outside of extremely specific uses.

The best drug on the list (the most efficable) is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is on another level of positivity, in relation to any other drugs, and can hardly even be considered a drug in of itself. However, the experience is extremely comparable to other deliriants. Sleep deprivation offers extremely-easily accessible ways out of the high, which is very unheard of in the field of drugs (sleeping and choline supplements). It has many positive attributes such as extreme euphoria, spiritual enlightenment, extreme paranoia cessation/curbing in my experience, potentially some antidepressant qualities, fantasy realization, hugely increased comprehension of the real and increased working capacity, and more. If anything undesired is reached at any point in the high, one can likely always escape it. Furthermore, it costs nothing.

The worst drug on the list (the least efficable) is ethanol, also known as drinkable alcohol. Ethanol is useful for sterilization, minor pain relief, and perhaps as an escape; but all the good qualities end there. It is highly toxic in respect to potentially causing liver damage, is taxing on the liver regardless, has relatively high potential to cause various types of cancer in just a single use, can cause death in overdose in various ways, and even reduces the amount of gray matter in the brain, causing brain damage, effectively, consistently. Ethanol's negatives don't even begin to end there with its hardcore, negative impact on wider society. It is extremely addictive on average and is extremely-commonly disregarded as being dangerous. Ethanol very commonly causes huge levels of harm to others, and isn't even rewarding to the self, usually, even acutely. Ethanol withdrawal symptoms can be very difficult and dangerous to go through. However, there are a few different medications and many locations set up in urban society to help with ethanol cessation/curbing. Even all of these negatives are only touching upon some of the more major downsides of ethanol. It is a heinous drug in current time and society.