Upcoming testing plans!:

As a researcher who wants to keep safe but has tons of drugs to test, and various quantities of drugs, therefore, I must be careful with what I do with this body.

For example, DXM (dextromethorphan) has a rule in the community for avoidance of dissociative-wide permatolerance, cracks forming in the brain, serotonin receptor issues, bromination in the case of HBr formulation usage, and much more. This rule is: "For the plateau number that you did of DXM, take that number of weeks off from taking more DXM." With DXM reaching points of 3rd and 4th plateaus, and there being three different, main known formulations in common use, that is a lot of time needed for testing DXM alone.

Considering that I also require DXM to be used to help with major depression, I also must be mindful of the comfortability, over time, of any plans being set up for, in regards to DXM testing.

Finally, DXM is a fairly toxic drug, apparently, in the case of polistirex, and other formulations have their own downsides to keep in mind. Not to mention, DXM cannot be combined with a whole lot, so that must be kept in mind as well during the testing of this drug.

DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateau???
2nd Plateau?1.75?
3rd Plateau2.50?1.55*
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???

Above is the current version of the DXM chart for arbitrary intensity ratings. I am wanting to fill out all of the plateaus, up to third, like so:

DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateau#.###.###.##
2nd Plateau#.##1.75#.##
3rd Plateau2.50#.###.##
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???

Along with this plan comes many caveats. For instance, it is going to take a minimum of 13 weeks, in total. My next testing session is very soon, so we may say that testing could ideally conclude for this on Thursday, 9 March, 2023, in the Arizona timezone that I am within. The current day is Thursday, 8 December, 2022, at around 04:17 ABT. I can easily say that this will be quite a long time for a DXM testing period. The only reason it has taken until now for this ability to properly test the drug is because the two values on the chart are from the only two times that I took the substance without diphenhydramine, which was needed for allergic reactions, or otherwise histaminergic responses, which also seemed to not be present in the freebase 3rd plateau. The freebase 3rd plateau was around a low 3rd, and the hydrobromide 2nd plateau was around a middle 2nd. The diphenhydramine I took was "deflating" the high and causing it to be blunted in a wide-range of effects. To fix this issue, I last tested a 2nd plateau of hydrobromide DXM, along with 10mg of cetirizine HCl. This seemed to have worked amazingly well.

DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateau#.###.###.##
2nd Plateausecond1.75#.##
3rd Plateau2.50first#.##
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???
DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateaufirstsecondthird
2nd Plateau2.001.75#.##
3rd Plateau2.502.15#.##
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???

I first began with isolating certain, specific patterns to how I thought I should tackle this series of attempts at DXM testing. I figured (top demo above) I should test the 2nd plateau of freebase after the 3rd plateau of HBr, to hopefully make myself more prepared for the intensity and able to compare it better. I have amnesia, so being able to remember what previously experiences felt like is a very important part of this planning. Another reason I chose this pattern is because I will be most likely to vomit at the starts of both of these testing sessions, so I figured it would be best to have them close together.

The first plateau testing period is going to be horrible for comfortability with my depression, so I decided to have all three of these next to each other. Another thing that will make it hard to score these is the sheer lack of intensity of first plateau doses of DXM in comparison with higher plateaus. This gave me the idea that I should begin with the most intense first plateau to test (freebase), then to scale down from there. (Shown in bottom demo above.)

This was all looking well, but I still had to decide on where the higher polistirex plateaus would fit into this. The explanation for why I chose what I did is very convoluted and long, but a much briefer version will be posted below.

DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateau1.250.850.45
2nd Plateau2.001.75second
3rd Plateau2.502.15first
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???
DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateau1.250.850.45
2nd Plateau2.001.751.20
3rd Plateau2.502.151.80
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???

The numbers provided in these demos are just "shadow numbers", for the record, and are not legitimate testing results. They are very rough guesses, but don't actually trust any of them.

The final order that was decided for the testing is as follows below:

DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateau???
2nd Plateau?1.75second
3rd Plateau2.50?first
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???
DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateau???
2nd Plateaufourth1.751.20
3rd Plateau2.50third1.80
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???
DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateaufifthsixthseventh
2nd Plateau2.001.751.20
3rd Plateau2.502.151.80
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???
DXM IntensitiesFreebaseHydrobromide (HBr)Polistirex
1st Plateau1.250.850.45
2nd Plateau2.001.751.20
3rd Plateau2.502.151.80
4th Plateau???
Plateau Sigma???

This order was chosen since it features a spread out amount of comfortability, spread out amount of waiting time, and begins with the polistirex 3rd plateau, since I have wanted to get a true third plateau in for so long. It is pretty much as simple as that.

Expect to see this slowly become reality on the chart, over the next (probably more than) 13 weeks.


In other news, I am wanting to go further with diphenhydramine testing, and I plan on doing a 150mg dosing of DPH HCl some amount of time after the 3rd plateau of DXM polistirex. This is because polistirex is said to be particularly toxic and I feel as if using a 3rd plateau of it around even a low dose of DPH is a little too much risk. For this reason, I plan on waiting probably until a full 3 weeks after that high, and then to wait a little after the DPH high to do the next DXM high, which will be the 2nd plateau of polistirex.

Our body has sensitivity to low diphenhydramine doses for some reason, which is also why the DXM highs were blunted by even just 25mg of DPH being used in conjunction, and furthermore, simply 25mg of DPH is enough to give me a feeling of total drunkenness. It is pretty 1:1 with that. However, 50mg of dimenhydrinate (DMH / ~25mg DPH + ~25mg of a chemical similar to caffeine) was tested, and the results showed a severe and distinct lack of these effects. However, cetirizine works just fine with DXM, it seems, so there is no reason to risk using DMH with that, really, outside of for curiousity sake. This means DMH may be totally useless, but I still think it may be useful in the application of attempting to stay awake during DPH highs. 50mg of DPH was enough to easily knock me out within little time, and 100mg of DPH was enough to knock me out within an hour, against all of my wills to stay awake.

For these reasons, I think that the 150mg of DPH may do nothing really too special before just knocking me out, but I have heard that a stimulation comes alongside the highs on DPH. However, in my previous testings of the drug, I noticed no clear increase of heartrate. This supports my current belief that the increased heartrate others experience is simply due to extreme levels of fear/panic. For this reason, I am hoping that tachycardia will not be a risk for me, but I am still not totally believing of that. In any case, 150mg of diphenhydramine should be about the lowest I can take and still experience a threshold for "Threshold effects", based on information from the "DPH Dose Calculator 0.1" by u/dextrophenhydramine. I have thought about taking 200mg instead, to try and get more of an experiencing of delirious stuff, but I figured it would be more useful to see what the threshold is like, and 200mg would be doubling the last dose I tried, and, despite it still not being that much, I am still weary of making such a large jump. I am still not sure entirely of how I'll dose, but I am sure that I will be trying this, unless if I decide to replace it with another go at early stage sleep deprivation or something.

Furthermore, I may also create a subtable/subchart for the DPH ratings, based on the rankings held by the DPH dose calculator, which may look something like this:

DPH Dosage LevelsArbitrary Intensity Rating
Threshold effects?
Minor audiovisual effects?
Major visual hallucinations?
Mild delirium?
Total delirium?

Written/constructed by Azsula the Bee, finished at 239 / 544, 8 December 2022, AZ.

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