This should not be necessary to have been stated so precisely, but as there have been moral panics or other concerns over the creators of this webpage (we get it, people are scared), here is a formal document, in the public domain, stating our accordances with separate ideals about discrimination:

Personal: Azsula, the one writing this, is a self-identified alien bee with no accordance to gender. Azsula is also pansexual, panromantic, for styles of free love, and much more. Azsula is also apothiplatonic, meaning Azsula is platonically-repulsed. This means that Azsula is not only incapable of feeling platonic attraction, but is actually repulsed by it. Contrary to common misconception, lack of platonicity does not make someone mean in any way. Azsula has two partners at the time of writing, referred to as beloveds. Azsula feels strong levels of empathy and is sensitive to others. Azsula is commonly anecdoted as kind, warm, good, and much more. Azsula feels a sense of honor in protecting others, as well as necessities to. Azsula is well-known to commonly self-shame, as Azsula is strongly borderline and avoidant, among other things. Azsula also struggles with mental illness to a great extent, as well as, commonly, abuse, harassment, harmful stalking, and more. Azsula's well-being, in accordance with these issues, tends to extremely-often be disregarded, causing Azsula to feel isolated from others and even attacked, by reasoning of, "If one isn't part of the solution, one is part of the problem" being a firmly-held philosophy. As a result, loneliness and already amplified feelings of betrayal tend to be had by Azsula, which, in accordance with tendencies to black-and-white thinking in stressful situations, are prone to causing misrepresentations of Azsula's character to others that know very little about Azsula. As such, malicious people tend to amplify rumors of these misrepresentations, spreading them around to harm Azsula, causing more harassment, and amplifying the process. Azsula recommends for people new to Azsula's life to contact Azsula directly and speak openly and calmly with Azsula about any concerns regarding any of this, and more. Azsula can be found on Discord, from this server, or potentially from other means that may be found listed on this website.

Ethical/moral: Azsula is a firm and proud supporter of acts/movements to help remove all forms of discrimination based upon identity, in accordance with Alienism and Soulism. This means that Azsula supports the removal of sexism, racism, discrimination against gender identity, discrimination against otherkin, xenophobia based upon unfamiliarity for a person or traits they have, ableism of any form, ageism of any form, and any other legitimate, unstoppable forces, identities, or autonomies, therefore. An example of an illegitimate identity would be "politigenders" (political genders), as it supposes the identity should be respected, always, despite them being held in accordance with ideological principles that deserve debatability. Another example of this is religions. Azsula is not in any sort of affluent/rich situation and actively serves the homeless when possible, by spending time, offering information, donating, and even helping with trips. Azsula is vegan and actively serves to reduce harm for all creatures. Azsula also supports Deep Ecology, 0 waste living, major political reforms, mutual aid, welfares, and other radical leftist ideals, freedom of every individual without systemic encroachment upon others (Egoism), spiritual bonding and connection with others on broad-scale, and much, much more that can be learned about with research into Soulism or Alienism. Azsula is not an Accelerationist, nor a revolutionary. Azsula is for reforms to be made as soon as possible, most easily beginning on state/provincial scales, or even lower-level, and ultimately enhancing the good of society. Azsula is, in other words, simply, a Soulist. Azsula is against slurs and other hate-driven/borne speech being used in all cases, even those said to be in accordance with "Affirmative Action", as it only serves to help spread hate speech more widely through society, and ignores the troubles of the individuals who will be affected by such heinous language use.

Personal: Fluffkin is currently self-identified as a gendervoid kitten. Fluffkin is genital-repulsed, placing per around the lines of apothisexual. Fluffkin is also panromantic and quoiplatonic, thus only forming true bonds with people through a form of romance, and is capable of this regardless of gender. This blurs the lines of where relationships begin, but through more extreme forms of love, Fluffkin accomplishes a sense of having three partners at the time of writing, also referred to as beloveds. Past this, Fluffkin's personal expressions and lifestyle will generally be about the same as Azsula's. The deviation begins with Fluffkin being much more of the protected, as opposed to the protector. Past that, Fluffkin is more overtly and actively depressed and suicidal. Person is thought to be more prone to splitting than Azsula, or otherwise, easier triggered. Whereas Azsula is overtly confident-seeming and proud, Fluffkin is overtly shy and more self-loathing/neurotic. Despite both Azsula and Fluffkin having very similar issues, Fluffkin is more strongly-affected by these issues, and Azsula tends to mask them more often. This all leads to Fluffkin having far more difficulty in just about any aspects of life, and consistently and almost constantly yearns to not exist. To fulfill this wish, Fluffkin is often "tucked away" in the headspace, not apparently doing anything at all. Azsula is much more often found about, and as such, is subject to more torment. Fluffkin simply cannot handle existence most of the time, and as such, chooses to not. Due to these stark differences of character, despite being so similar in actuality, Fluffkin is more often viewed as a huge victim in troubled times, whereas, Azsula is more often viewed as the culprit in troubled times, even if the situation is the same. Even if Fluffkin admits to being the one who is causing something others deem as bad, regardless of what it is, Fluffkin is still often seen as the victim of the situation. Fluffkin is also possibly more easily affected by suggestibility in certain situations. Fluffkin tends to be less susceptible to long-term attacks from others, but this is due to Fluffkin already being so heavily affected by even a single bout of harassment, hate, or other attacks to per. Fluffkin also identifies as post-death these days, to cope with the 'impossible' circumstances placed upon per. This is also in reference to a past time Fluffkin identified as deceased as a person for the same effect. Fluffkin, since, felt more alive than before, but in a new, much different kind of way. Due to all of this, Fluffkin often does not like to be in situations where person will be seen by many others, not to mention, not liking to be in situations at all, outside of stuff that can be done in a "zombified" sort of way (this is very hard to describe). As such, Fluffkin is often very hard to be found, but may be found in the same places as Azsula. Fluffkin and Azsula's strong relationship also keeps Azsula as a caretaker and protector of Fluffkin, and as such, Azsula will often disallow people from interacting with Fluffkin, in cases where it is believed they may easily harm per.

Ethical/moral: Fluffkin is also a firm and proud supporter of the same acts and movements as Azsula, in accordance with Alienism and Soulism. Fluffkin supports the imperative cessation of sexism, racism, gender identity discriminations, otherkin discriminations, any type of xenophobia, ableism, ageism, and all else that can veritably be counted as discriminatory. Fluffkin is in the same situation of wealth of Azsula (non-affluent/non-rich), and also actively serves the homeless as often as possible. Fluffkin has also been homeless and without any food in the past. Fluffkin is known to give away any money person has, immediately, including from holiday presents, to the homeless, as Fluffkin views perself as not needing it. Fluffkin has also strongly held a philosophy of not helping perself before helping others, past what is necessary. Fluffkin is a strict vegan animal rights activist that holds very strict ideals for absolute pacifism. Fluffkin refuses to even harm insects, and if anything like that happens around Fluffkin, person will post about it online and say "rest in peace" in honoring for the harmed creature. Fluffkin also supports Deep Ecology, 0 waste living, radical leftist beliefs, Egoism, extreme spirituality, and all else relative to Soulism or Alienism, same as Azsula. However, Fluffkin does not hold as much favor for political reforms, and instead doesn't mind whether revolutionary or reformative action is used, as long as it is done as peacefully as possible. This level of pacifism from Fluffkin is in-line with, from the anime Dr. Stone, Senku's beliefs. Such beliefs are that there is never a need for extreme levels of violence, and given the proper attempts, it can always be avoided, to avoid anyone becoming harmed. Fluffkin is also, simply, a Soulist, helping alongside Azsula, for the movement, all along. Fluffkin is also who helped discover the foundations for the beliefs of Soulism. Fluffkin is against all slurs and other hate speech being used, in any case, including what is blindly-titled "Affirmative Action", as it only serves to help spread hate speech more widely through society, and ignores the troubles of the individuals who will be affected by such heinous language use. Fluffkin has also been a first- and second-hand witness to the horrors of "Affirmative Action" on several occasions, in some cases, so severe that psychotic breaks, suicidality, or other such things were involved.

More may be read about Azsula and Fluffkin at this link: Introduction Page.

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