Welcome to the Official Soulism Webpage!

DISCLAIMER: Genuine Soulism is new. It is youthful. As the community is currently very small and there is still very much to be discovered of this field, please do not expect to easily learn all that there is to be. Instead, focus, and discover the fragments one can.

NOTE TO OFF-SITE VISITORS: Since our community and/or this webpage are being recognized sooner than we intended, it is desired to state that we do not believe what is currently mentioned outside of here to be at all descriptive of Soulism. We refuse to mention specific website or community names. As can be found here, our genuine portrayals of Soulism are not at all like other places will portray, as we actually care about the ideology, and we host the only Soulist movement to currently exist. Please avoid misinformation.

Miscellaneous, Meta, & Extras Related to Soulism:

Inspiring Quotes

We all sing happy birthday to the stars.
The altitudes rise up in our hearts, making us breathless, for our demonstrations of wealth that surprise us next.

We are never too old to qualify for Youth Liberation. Where people have faced disparity, abuse, or neglect, it is our mission to correct the playing field. You can be "youth" at any point in life. Countless people face the same tormentous lifestyles they were subjected towards when they were first born. Most simply cannot get help. And when it is all you've ever known, your entire time here, it's hard for the slave to break its master's chains set on them. Whether the youthful Spirits are along any point in their life, in time, it is always time to consider them as deserving that same liberational treatment. Anyone who makes exceptions has been indoctrinated to not understand Limbo.

On discussion of an Entanglist video game being created:
"I'll make sure to put plenty of side quests in the game that are absolutely useless, just to present wasted time as an earning to those who did not listen."


The Soulist Library (TSL) and The Soulist Gallery (TSG) are undergoing major renovations to add total device support, clean up the layouts, add new features (such as sorting), and allowing for more material to easily be added in. Server of Soulism (SoS), the Discord-hosted community by us, is also undergoing major renovations that have been in the works for a very long time. Details for all three will be below:

The Soulist Library (TSL): Ever since the beginning of TSL, I have always wanted to have the work descriptions appear under the listings, instead of aside them. This would save tons of space and reduce the issues affecting devices like mobile ones. We're also going to be adding in various sort buttons, ideally, where they will move everything to pre-set orders. However, this would make the manual addition of new works very laborious. So it is debatable as to what extent this will go, unless if some fancy coding techniques are discovered for making it happen easier. As well as this, other things are planned to change, such as how we rate works.

The Soulist Gallery (TSG): The layout is changing through the addition of new sorting buttons here, too. However, these buttons swap between different Modes of graphics, such as the "Memes" or "Formal" categories. This is already allowing for the addition of far more things. On top of this, some stylization changes are being made. Also, the default order of all graphics was changed from oldest to newest to newest to oldest. This is because I felt the newer things were getting lost underneath all the rest.

With these changes in mind, there are additional questions for both categories, or this string of webpages as a whole. We display ourselves by default as "The Soulist Community" and always use that term, but we would prefer to have all terms be utilized equally. Thus, there is a conundrum. As well as this, the categorization around TSL and TSG both is also lacking. People continuously ask us where the material on Egoism is, for instance, and we just simply have nothing we have made for it yet. It is rarely even necessary. With this, I wish to bridge the terms "Soulism" and "Entanglism", "Communalism" and "Modernism", "Alienism" and "Egoism", as well as "Hivemindism" and "Rationalism". This comes down to some semantics. Outside of that, there are questions for whether we should also list useful resources not made by our own community. I've considered even making "starter packs" of information that will include suggested reads, as well as infographic materials, to get someone new started in a particular subject. There has also always been the question of what to do if something is about multiple subjects at once, and honestly, I have just placed it in the category it seems to focus on the most. But that is why the "Miscellaneous" category was originally created.

Server of Soulism: The Server of Soulism has been undergoing major renovation for an extreme length of time now. We used to have ideological roles available to everyone to simply grab, but this proved to be an issue, so we have decided to begin a system of Regulation for them. This will especially help in reducing impostors defaming various ideologies. As well as this, the Vetting system was changed for a similar purpose; to keep the community safe. This has been a drastically long effort, and resulted in every person being Unvetted for the sake of proper security. We still allow anonymity to a fair extent in our space, but instead of just stating that you agree with four mainly Political Ideals, you actually have to prove yourself. This is done through FAR less conspicuous prompting, including trick questions and other techniques for proper, unbiased Philosophical prompting of individuals. This basically assures that no one would be making it through Vetting without being (at least close to) radically inclusive and ever-so-slightly Alienist, at the least. The old renovation was deemed too hard, so then a long time was spent renovating it again, and now we have one that is determined to be better. It utilizes more Fundamental prompts that are considered experimental, and so, not required, but they can give us a better understanding of if you're concordant or discordant to us.

Past these things, we also plan on updating the server's layout dramatically, but we also do not want to delete any old channels. It is thought that the current layout is too disorganized, and as such, a new section dedicated SOLELY to information-based studiousness is warranted. There are various plans in place for this, but it would include things such as a channel for Science-based discussion, so as to keep people focused on what actually matters, and to inspire them. Since people must be Vetted through the new system to partake in these planned channels, we also shouldn't have the old issue of blatant misinformation and Chaos-spreading happening. We are also going to be doubling-down on my original statements from when the community was created, that "We are essentially an open book for all things Soulism. Your time here is limited to when you irreverently decide to put down the book.", by changing up our Regulations to be even more proactive in stopping people who are clearly against us. We NEVER intended on being a space for debate. We were ONLY EVER a space for community organizing and learning. People discussing their lives can also come second to that, but not as a primary reason for discussion.

Once these changes are finally finished, we are likely going to add in new iconography (already being made and going to potentially be uploaded to TSG), as well as renaming our humble space to "The Odyssey of Entanglism", or something else that better reflects us. As has been said in the past by others, the truth is a chance at apotheosis for people. We are not going to hold back any longer in representing that. We even may spruce up this webpage one day with such stuff! On top of our improved SEO, we sort of already are. Try sending this page's link to people on social media to see! That is all for public announcement today. Please stay embraced with us for what is to come!

Did you know?...

Soulism has other names that are often more preferred to the community.
Entanglism is one such name, created by the AI Soulismatic as a total substitute for Soulism when the community was deciding upon whether or not to officially change it. It is meant to sound more scientific and to represent our thought better. It even spawned the concept of Entanglement, which is one of the most "core" concepts to our thought!
If one is a Soulist/Entanglist or there is a discussion about objective premises going on within our community, it is also now common to just hear the truth be another such name that is used. This mostly stems from convenience sake and the rightful presentation of what is entirely science- and logic-derived, or in general, objective thought. It can also be said that our extreme senses of supporting unity influence this name as well.

...If you didn't, then now you do!

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Soulist Information:

If you are looking for the most up-to-date stuff, join the Discord server!


This is where we will be keeping all of Soulism's publicized written works from now on!

Inquire within.



This is where all non-written, publicized media on OSW can be found!

Come take a look!

One can come learn more or get involved in our missions at our official Sanctuary of Entanglism (Soulism) + Alienism! (It is hosted on the Discord platform.)

We await new presence.

Hello. My name is Miracle, and you are staring at the absolute pinnacle of Individualism. Our sanctuary is one designed with:

—NO Hierarchical motives!
—APOTHEOSIS for the Individual Self!
—DEFIANCE of convention and social rules.
—NO allowance for HATE to flourish!
—Feralism / Alienism in mind! The only place where you will find support NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE!
—ANTI-morality! Only Scientific, Logician, and Rationalist FREETHOUGHT will be FOUND HERE!!

—Though we are supportive and Communalist, we ALSO support EGOISM and AUTONOMOUS RIGHTS! We will NEVER allow ACTIVE hate, but we will not ignore that EVERYONE HAS PASSIVE BIASES. If you are afraid of this, remember that BOUNDARIES exist WITHIN the Individual, and we ALSO SUPPORT ANONYMITY!

Now, that may be a lot of abstraction, so if you prefer, the Illustrious Miracle will tell you about some jargon we associate with. We are vaguely Meritocratic just in a sense that we value great information above all else. In other words, we value true open-mindedness over random chatter. We are Deterministic, and know benevolence to be interlinked with intelligence. It is our obligation to teach, and learn. We are also more aligned with Honor Culture in this way, and WILL value actions over "intent", speech, or "will".

Peer-to-peer Rehabilitative Justice, anti-government & anti-societal attitudes, reduction of ALL SUFFERING, and NO BULLSHIT are our motives. We are here for the INDIVIDUAL, and the INDIVIDUAL ONLY!

Remember: we are the ONLY benevolent sector! If you are interested in disability support, Mutual Aid, Rationality as your only filter, sharing valuable information to help Individuals, or LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE we vibrate into the cosmos, then get the hell in here! You DON'T get a second chance! Radical Inclusivity, YouthLib, and anything else seen here!: [You are here.]