Here, you will find written works of various qualities. This was planned to be a section of the webpage dedicated to works of quality, in an effort to make the knowledge of Soulism more accessible to people, as books and other high-quality materials take a very long time to finish. However, it was decided to simply collaborate written works of all qualities here, and to revamp the webpage overall. Enjoy this.
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TIP: Click/tap on the name of a work to view descriptions, links, credits, and downloads.
This is a short work created to answer the frequently-asked question "How can Collectivism and Individualism (or Egoism and Communalism) function together?"Collectivist Individualism
Work Titles
Quality Rating
This is a short work describing some of the ineffable about Individuals, and how to obtain it. Minus
The above links to the first prescript (unfinished work) of The Soulist Compendium Opus, also known as Everything&Nothing.
This is a work by Azsula. Other names or variations on names for the creator can be found at this page.
When enlightenment comes, things seem to make much more sense. Along with this, sense seems to make much more things. As cryptic as it sounds, the path to enlightenment brings along new considerations. Here is a detailing of some considerations.Join at the abyss.
To be read following the previous two portions of this series. This is the final part. Yet, this story will never end. Please, forget this all.
This piece has no official name, so one was made up for the sake of publications.
This is a Dissertation on the Fundamental concepts and Ideals within ism.
It is recommended to have as much focus as absolutely possible whilst reading, since this piece describes many abstract concepts at a very low-level.
A four act, masterpiece drama so intense the writing made the author sob. Destruction.
Your Miracle Ferality
This is a long poem written under the intense influence of various, light focus drugs. Lots of dissociative musical influences were utilized.
Please enjoy this, for it illustrates a lot about the truth about life, People, and all the aforementioned in the title. This work uses very metaphorical, and perhaps allegoric wording, at times, for your awareness.